Active Data Collection
Not all websites engage in active data collection, e.g., Google Analytics and Matomo. Consequently, they also have the capability to generate statistics and get to know their visitors. Understanding what visitors think and do on your website provides you with the opportunity to truly engage with them and attract more visitors.
It's worth noting that only half of Swedish websites collect data, which can give you a significant advantage by ensuring that your website has data collection in place and that you use it effectively.
Untapped Potential
Lack of knowledge hinders many from reaching their full potential.
We can observe that many websites with, for example, Google Analytics installed have not updated from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4.
The question is whether those in charge are aware that Universal Analytics no longer collects data and actively choose not to update, or if they simply believe it still works. Regardless of the reason, these websites are missing out on a significant advantage, which, in turn, is good news for those who are well-informed.
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